Sunday, April 06, 2008

The Power of GPS-ed Distribution Records

Here is an obvious reason why we should add to all our biodiversity observation a detailed GPS-ed record, or why it actually is done in an area that is considered highly relevant: The movement of bear JJ3 in Switzerland (Source: Blick, 20080406).

Since the Swiss are not used to such a predator, they decided to assure that his position be known at all times, which would allow to be present when he enters hamlets to frighten him off.

You could imagine to have a little application which would link your position - which is known through your mobile phone - with the one of the bear.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

How Google Books is Changing Academic History

An interesting blog by Tim O'Reilly regarding the power of having access to printed material, especially if it is open to computing.